Saturday, November 8, 2008
Java ebooks
C Programming Ebooks
In C programming, all codes are written in functions. Parameters can be passed to function by value, by reference, by name etc. C provides memory allocation such as static memory allocation, automatic memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation. C language uses C Standard Library. This library supports input, output, mathematical functions and time values, etc. C is primary used for implementing operating systems, embedded systems applications and in intermediate language.
In this posting i wish to provide free C programming language ebooks which will guide you to learn C programming language and there by you can develop low level system programs and can concentrate more on Embedded C programming.
The C Programming Language By Brian W Kernighan and Dennis M Ritchie View/Download
- Writing Bug Free C Code View/Download
- The C Book View/Download
- Object Oriented Programming with ANSI C View/Download
- ANSI C for Programmers on UNIX Systems View/Download
- C Programming Tutorial (K&R Version) View/Download
- The New C Standard: An Economic and Cultural Commentary View/Download
- Object Oriented Programming with C View/Download
- Rationale For American Standard for Information Systems: Programming C Language View/Download
- Sams Teach Yourself C in 24 Hours View/Download
- C Elements of Style View/Download
- Introduction to C Programming View/Download
- Programming in C: A Tutorial View/Download
- The C Library Reference Guide View/Download
- A Tutorial on Pointers and arrays in C View/Download
- C Language Reference View/Download
- Programming in C View/Download
- Incompatibilities Between ISO C and ISO C++ View/Download
- Programming in C : UNIX Systems Calls and Subroutines using C View/Download
- C programming by Steve Holmes View/Download
- Parallel Programming in C for Transputer View/Download
- Beej's Guide to C Programming View/Download
- Phil's C Course View/Download
- C Programming Notes by Steve Summit View/Download
- C programming Tutorial View/Download
- An Introduction to GCC: for GNU Compilers GCC and g++ View/Download
- Learning GNU C View/Download
- The GNU C Library View/Download
- The GNU C Programming Tutorial View/Download
- The Objective C 2.0 Programming Language View/Download
- Objective Oriented Programming and the Objective C Language View/Download
- Numerical Recipes in C View/Download
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Anna University question bank
Check this link to get the curriculum and syllabus of departments like Computer Science, Electronics and Communication, Electrical and Electronics, Civil, Information Technology, Mechanical, Electronics and Instrumentation and few other departments.
Question bank for Computer Science (CSE) Department papers.
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Digital Principle and System Design
Cryptography and Network Security
Design and Analysis of Algorithm
Analog and Digital Communication
Question bank for Electronics and Communication (ECE) department.
Transmission Lines and Wave Guides
Professional Ethics and Human Values
Environmental Science and Engineering
Question Bank for Electronic and Electrical Engineering (EEE) department.
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Control
Electrical Energy Generation Utilization and Conservation
Measurements and Instrumentation
Question Bank for Information Technology (IT) department.
Digital Principle and System Design
Cryptography and Network Security
Question Bank for Mechanical Engineering department.
Question Bank for Civil Engineering department.
Question Bank for First Year students.
Question Bank for Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering department.
Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation
Question Bank for Aeronautical Engineering department.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Human Fetal Stem Cell Therapy

The Fetal Stem Cell searches out, detects and then attempts to repair any damage or deficit discovered, as well as releases growth factors, which stimulate the body’s own repair mechanisms.
These properties of the Fetal Stem Cell allow for unique treatment intervention in a multiplicity of diseases for a large group of patients who up until now have not had any means for recovery.
An early promoter of the industrial applications of nanotechnology, Albert Franks, defined it as 'that area of science and technology where dimensions and tolerances in the range of 0.1nm to 100 nm play a critical role'. It encompasses precision engineering as well as electronics; electromechanical systems (eg 'lab-on-a-chip' devices) as well as mainstream biomedical applications in areas as diverse as gene therapy, drug delivery and novel drug discovery techniques.
Because nanotechnology has opened up new worlds of possibility, it has spawned a proliferation of new terminology - a kind of nanospeak to the uninitiated. For example, the two fundamentally different approaches to nanotechnology are graphically termed 'top down' and 'bottom up'. 'Top-down' refers to making nanoscale structures by machining and etching techniques, whereas 'bottom-up', or molecular nanotechnology, applies to building organic and inorganic structures atom-by-atom, or molecule-by-molecule. Top-down or bottom-up is a measure of the level of advancement of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology, as applied today, is still in the main at what may be considered the more primitive 'top-down' stage.
A breakthrough that may herald the beginning of the 'bottom-up' stage of nanotechnology has been the discovery of spinning molecular structures. These may open the door to realising the holy grail of power generation and controllable motion at the molecular level, with huge applications for medicine and information technology.
Another feature of nanotechnology is that it is the one area of research and development that is truly multidisciplinary. Research at the nanoscale is unified by the need to share knowledge on tools and techniques, as well as information on the physics affecting atomic and molecular interactions in this new realm. Materials scientists, mechanical and electronic engineers and medical researchers are now forming teams with biologists, physicists and chemists.
Over thirty years ago 20th Century Fox took the moviegoing public (and Raquel Welch) on a "Fantastic Voyage." In this cinematic barn-stormer, a diplomat lay near death from a blood clot, until, through miraculous technologies, scientists shrank a 30-foot-long clot-busting metal ship to the size of a pin's head
Audiences shuddered and gasped as the miniature ship sailed through the bloodstream, encountering white blood cells that seemed as large as the Brobdingagian giants confronted by Gulliver on his travels. The ship's crew narrowly avoided destruction and its heroes were restored to normal size. It was a fantastic first step toward human dreams of shrinking medicine to microscopic size. Today at the cinema we are entertained by even more dramatic stories of kids shrunk to the size of ants and microscopic machines sent to infect the world. But is it just fiction?
In 2000, the barrier between man and machine is as thin as a strand from the double helix. As computer equipment, surgical tools and communications pipelines shrink ever smaller, the next step in engineering is to merge biological and mechanical molecules and compounds into really, really small machines. This will happen in many different ways, and it raises many new issues.
First, we are beginning to see life forms reduced to molecular codes. This means that in our lifetime, viruses and components of our own DNA are going to become a lot more portable. Today, the last samples of smallpox virus are locked away in a vault in Atlanta at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tomorrow, getting smallpox may be as simple as forwarding an e-mail attachment with the smallpox DNA code to a $5,000 DNA synthesizer. The portability of DNA also means that where you once thought of your DNA as a part of your body, tomorrow the DNA from any of your cells might be used to make a cloned embryo or to make a big sack of cloned tissue for transplantation.
Is it ethical to move life around this way, playing mix-and-match with bits from different animals and species? Should we create entirely new kinds of life from the molecule up? Would it be wrong to build a bacterial life form that depended on a machine for survival, such as battery-acid-powered carpet-stain-removal bacteria? Or is that no more problematic than executing billions of little yeast molecules to make a barrel of beer or a loaf of bread?
Second, enhanced DNA and computers are more and more becoming parts of our bodies. Millions watch as Captain Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise battle a genetically engineered race called The Borg, who are the ugliest possible combination of DNA with computers (with the exception, of course, of new Borg sex symbol, Seven of Nine).
The Borg aren't real, but human-machine integration isn't just fiction anymore. Teams at MIT, Xerox and elsewhere are racing to connect you very closely to your cell phone and television. Within a few years, pacemakers and other medical devices will begin corresponding electronically with hospitals, physicians and even insurance companies about the patients whom they "inhabit." Many aspects of our behavior will be monitored more closely, and we may even get insurance discounts if we agree to "show" what healthy people we are!
Ethical issues in merging with computers go beyond the "weird" factor into a whole new kind of problem: what happens if human beings are made from non-human parts? Is a baby made from cloned DNA, gestated in a bubble and connected to a cellular phone still human? The answer matters because it is no longer obvious what it means to call something or someone "normal" or a "person," even in the world of medicine. That means it is getting harder and harder to figure out which advances in medicine are worth public research money and which ought to be mothballed.
Most interestingly, we are approaching the world of Fantastic Voyage. Experts in this new field of nanotechnology promise a world in which very small machines literally circulate within us, pursuing bad bacteria and viruses and dissolving cholesterol and lipids. It sounds great, if a little bit spooky, but it is still a long way away.
So should we spend taxpayers money on clot-breaking machines to extend the average life span, or work to build other artificial devices much smaller - and more effective - than the artificial heart of the 1970s? It is a difficult decision but one that only our generation can make.
Saving Social Security takes on a whole new meaning in a world that works hard to keep people alive well into their 100s, but connected to dozens of expensive little machines. As we prioritize about hunger, our status as a global power and the future of medicine, many of the most troubling decisions will be very, very small.
History Timeline of Robotics

History Timeline of Robotics
Czechoslovakian playwright Karel Capek introduces the word robot in the play R.U.R. - Rossum's Universal Robots. The word comes from the Czech robota, which means tedious labor.
The first programmable paint-spraying mechanism is designed by Americans Willard Pollard and Harold Roselund for the DeVilbiss Company.
Isaac Asimov publishes Runaround, in which he defines the Three Laws of Robotics.
Emergence of the computer: George Devol patents a general purpose playback device for controlling machines, using magnetic recording; J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly build the ENIAC at the University of Pennsylvania - the first electronic computer; At MIT, Whirlwind, the first digital general purpose computer, solves its first problem.
Norbert Wiener, a professor at M.I.T., publishes Cybernetics or Control and Communication in the Animal, a book which describes the concept of communications and control in electronic, mechanical, and biological systems.
In France, Raymond Goertz designs the first teleoperated articulated arm for the Atomic Energy Commission. The design is based entirely on mechanical coupling between the master and slave arms (using steel cables and pulleys). Derivatives of this design are still seen in places where handling of small nuclear samples is required. This is generally regarded as the major milestone in force feedback technology.
George Devol designs the first programmable robot and coins the term Universal Automation, planting the seed for the name of his future company - Unimation.
Marvin Minsky and John McCarthy establish the Articifical Intelligence Laboratory at MIT.
Unimation is purchased by Condec Corporation and development of Unimate Robot Systems begins.
American Machine and Foundry, later known as AMF Corporation, markets the first cylindrical robot, called the Versatran, designed by Harry Johnson and Veljko Milenkovic.
General Motors purchases the first industrial robot from Unimation and installs it on a production line. This manipulator is the first of many Unimates to be deployed.
John McCarthy heads up the new Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford University.
Artificial intelligence research laboratories are opened at M.I.T., Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Stanford University, and the University of Edinburgh.
C&D Robotics founded.
Carnegie Mellon University establishes the Robotics Institute.
Homogeneous transformations applied to robot kinematics - this remains the foundation of robotics theory today
Japan imports the Versatran robot from AMF (the first robot imported into Japan).
Kawasaki licenses hydraulic robot design from Unimation and starts production in Japan.
SRI builds Shakey, a mobile robot with vision capability, controlled by a computer the size of a room.
Professor Victor Scheinman of Stanford University designs the Standard Arm. Today, its kinematic configuration remains known as the Standard Arm.
Cincinnati Milacron releases the T3, the first commercially available minicomputer-controlled industrial robot (designed by Richard Hohn).
Professor Victor Scheinman, the developer of the Stanford Arm, forms Vicarm Inc. to market a version of the arm for industrial applications. The new arm is controlled by a minicomputer.
Robot arms are used on Viking 1 and 2 space probes.Vicarm Inc. incorporates a microcomputer into the Vicarm design.
ASEA, a European robot company, offers two sizes of electric powered industrial robots. Both robots use a microcomputer controller for programming and operation.
Unimation purchases Vicarm Inc.
Using technology from Vicarm, Unimation develops the PUMA (Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly). The PUMA can still be found in many research labs today.
Brooks Automation founded
Sankyo and IBM market the SCARA (selective compliant articulated robot arm) developed at Yamanashi University in Japan
Cognex founded.
CRS Robotics Corp. founded.
Fanuc of Japan and General Motors form joint venture in GM Fanuc to market robots in North America.
Adept Technology founded.
Joseph Engelberger starts Transition Robotics, later renamed Helpmates, to develop service robots.
With Unimation license terminated, Kawasaki develops and produces its own line of electric robots.
Stäubli Group purchases Unimation from Westinghouse.
Computer Motion founded.
Barrett Technology founded
Sensable Technologies founded.
CMU Robotics Institute's Dante II, a six-legged walking robot, explores the Mt. Spurr volcano in Alaska to sample volcanic gases.
Intuitive Surgical formed by Fred Moll, Rob Younge and John Freud to design and market surgical robotic systems. Founding technology based on the work at SRI, IBM and MIT.
NASA's Mars PathFinder mission captures the eyes and imagination of the world as PathFinder lands on Mars and the Sojourner rover robot sends back images of its travels on the distant planet.
Honda showcases the P3, the 8th prototype in a humanoid design project started in 1986.
Honda showcases Asimo, the next generation of its series of humanoid robots.
Sony unveils humanoid robots, dubbed Sony Dream Robots (SDR), at Robodex.
Sony releases the second generation of its Aibo robot dog.
Built by MD Robotics of Canada, the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) is successfully launched into orbit and begins operations to complete assembly of International Space Station
Monday, June 16, 2008
mpressive Lines
You are the one
Always in my heart, my friend.
Every time you call my name,
I will be there
No matter how far, we are friends!
A Friend means
No matter how far you are live apart!
No matter how many years you couldn’t see!
Its a life long treasure, Cherish it!
Never ever forget about it!
The above lines are dedicated to all my frends……
Stay in touch….
Something from these Quotes
never expect yourself to be given a good value
create a value of your own
2) If a drop of water falls in lake there is no identity.
But if it falls on a leaf of lotus it shine like a
choose the best place where you would shine..
3) Falling down is not defeat...
defeat is when your refuse to get up...
4) Ship is always safe at shore... but is is not built for it
5) When your successful your well wishers know who
you are when you are unsuccessful
you know who your well wishers are
6) It is great confidence in a friend to tell him your faults;
greater to tell him/her
7) "To the world you might be one person,
but to one person you just might be the world
8) "Even the word 'IMPOSSIBLE' says 'I M POSSIBLE' "
9) Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort in your
life makes all the difference.
May God Bless You All,
Never take some one for granted,Hold every person
Close to your Heart because you might wake up one day and realise
that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones."
Remember this always in life.